Saturday, 5 January 2019

The Unique Method of Scoliosis Treatment

The main law of osteopathy says: "When all parts of the human body are in line we have health. When they are not the effect is disease.

Disease is the result of anatomical abnormalities. The dysfunction of one part of the body may frequently lead to discomfort in another part, because the human body doesn't function in separate units but only as a harmonious whole. When the parts are readjusted disease gives place to health.

Osteopathic treatment is UNIQUE in the way that it provides a holistic approach. It is based on treating the whole body. Osteopath works with all body system and internal organs. The first and necessary task of the treatment is to adjust the body from abnormal to normal and put the organs in the right anatomical position.

In our clinic, osteopath diagnoses scoliosis. Specialist, using both visual and computer-based diagnostics determines the state of the spine, posture, position of the shoulders and shoulder blades, the patient's muscle tone. Changes in the internal organs because of deformation of the spine show a "visceral syndrome", which requires specialized treatment.

Scoliosis affects the functioning of the whole body. Scoliosis resulrts in rib deformity, digestive problems, shortness of breath, chronis fatigue, acute or dull back pain, dysfunction of internal organs.

I developed the method of scoliosis treatment with osteopathic techniques. This scoliosis treatment consists of consecutive manipulation techniques that can be described as follows:

1. The elimination of thoracic blocking
2. Putting structural, visceral and cranial organs in their anatomical position
3. Putting shoulder blades in their anatomical position

The standard medical approach to the treatment of scoliosis has not changed for years. Our method of scoliosis treatment is unique because I treat scoliosis with gentle osteopathic techniques. Treatment plan is individually developed for each patient depending on the patient's age and curvature.

The treatment includes a special set of exercises, as well as nutrition program and dietary supplements.

One of the laws of osteopathy says "function affects the structure." In a well-balanced and optimally functioning body fluids move in a certain direction. Scoliosis affects the body fluids flow. Osteopathic treatment eliminates the tension of membranes that improves the flow of tissue fluid, lymph and blood. It also helps the proper distribution of body weight. Fluid technologies is widely used in osteopathy. This fluid flow factor has a powerful effect in scoliosis treatment and posture disorders.

Osteopathy gives very good results even if patients come with severe scoliosis It helps to improve not only posture but the overall condition of a patient. Good posture improves immune system and increases the tone of the central nervous system.

Everyone knows that most of elderly people start to slouch. People who regularly visit an osteopath have a good posture. Among them even elderly people have good posture and health.

In conclusion I would like to quote the words of Dr. Still: "The human body is a masterpiece created by the greatest architect by the name God, and who is never wrong." Yes, all of us is affected by gravity and atmospheric pressure, but if the person is well balanced, he stays healthy. Osteopath is a mechanic who repairs and balances the biological "machine" - the human body. Everobody should take care of posture and osteopathy is another choice in the scoliosis treatment and posture defects.

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