Sunday 6 January 2019

Why Most SEO Campaigns have proved to be Unsuccessful

Many companies who have, in the past, ventured into using SEO to increase their traffic failed miserably because of the following reasons:

1) Bad website layout
All website visitors would like to have a good experience while navigating or surfing; as such, if the layout is not user-friendly enough, many visitors will stop surfing and move on to another website that is interesting enough for them.

2) Poor Website Content
The logic is about the same as above, if users do not find the content useful or enriching in any way, they will also move on to another website.

3) Poor or no Graphics
Remember that many internet users are “picture” persons; therefore,if your content consists of only words or your graphics are not too professionally designed, your readers will not be interested in reading what you are offering.

4) Poor branding
Branding is all about the logo, color, and theme of the entire website. If your website does not project a decent brand, it will not make the user “trust” the company,and with no trust, you can jolly well conclude thatyour SEO campaign will be a total failure.

5) Targeting the wrong audience
Many SEO “experts” are only experts in carrying out search engine optimization and fail to understand the specific industry in-depth. As a result, the keywords sometimes suggested by them may not be totally relevant. Even if the keywords are ranked #1 in the page, the traffic that’s brought in is not composed of the right group of people.

6) Proposal of Wrong Keywords
Contrary to what they claim, SEO experts don’t hold all that much expertise after all – many have used broad-based keywords to optimize where the potential traffic will be high,however, the relevancy of the targeted audience will not be present. Hence it is always better to narrow down to exact keywords, where the potential traffic will be lesser but the audiences are much more highly targeted.

7) Putting all eggs in one basket
Remember that SEO is only ONE of the marketing tools; you will still need many other digital marketing platforms such as email marketing, social media, pay-per-click, banner ads and other digital platforms to make an overall impressive impact on your marketing campaign. You need to spread your risk and use multiple workable platforms in order to yield the best returns.

8) Do not have a mode to collect potential clients’ details
Remember that you will not be able to convert ALL your visitors to clients, hence you need to create an interesting platform for them to leave down their name, email or contact details in exchange for something such as a free e-book related to your products and services, a discount coupon, voucher or anything that they feel is valuable. Once you have managed to collect their contacts, keep in constant contact with them so that they remember your offering. One fine day, they could become your best client.

9) Not keeping Updated on Google animal farm
Google always comes out with updates on Google Panda, Google Penguin and even Google Hummingbird. With these “animals” being generated from Google, the updates will change the entire “equation” of SEO, and apparently if  one is still using the old methods of optimisation on their website, the URL will be completely “lost” in the Google search engine.

An article by Dougles Cahn, who specialised in Property SEO and talks about Fourth Avenue Residences & Riverfront Residences

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